Staff Resources

Daily Health Screening
ALL DOE employees, visitors, and families seeking to enter DOE buildings must complete a health screening before entering DOE facilities. This health screening must be completed on each day of arrival and results will reset at midnight of each day. Upon entering the facility you will be asked to provide the results of your screening either by showing your phone or a printout of the results.

Staff Payroll Card
Staff will fill out a paper version
of the payroll card for the 2024 - 2025
school year.

Use this website to Access SANDI, FAST, and Professional Development Opportunities. The SANDI-online Assessment developed by Riverside CA County Office of Education, aligns assessment, access to grade level standards, and rigorous research-based instruction in order to specifically target individual student strengths and needs.

Staff Human Resources Information
Find information about the HR Connect Web Portal, Employee Self-Service (ESS) System and Other HR Topics.
For additional information, contact your payroll secretary:
Teachers/Related Service Providers:
Haydee Amancio - HAmancio@schools.nyc.gov
Paraprofessionals and School Aides:
Janine Chiariello - JChiariello@schools.nyc.gov