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Teacher working with student on reading assignment

The Creative Curriculum


The Creative Curriculum focuses on child-initiated learning in Pre-K. Using center play, teachers support students by building on their interests and strengths. 


The Creative Curriculum guides our early childhood classrooms, the classroom environment, and the learning centers. Teachers plan and manage hands-on, project-based investigations that build children’s confidence, creativity and critical thinking skills, and promote positive outcomes.




equals mathemetician photo



Equals is a special education mathematics curriculum designed for a range of disabilities. It teaches the mathematics curriculum most states cover in their standards. Each lesson continues with "Introduce and Connect" which builds on prior knowledge, Teach, Problem Solving and Close, with the lesson presentation providing for each of the three levels. Each lesson is followed by problem-solving, workstations (learning centers) and games.


The program comes with a complete set of high-quality math manipulates and materials. The materials include work mats, designed to structure instruction using the manipulates. Brightly colored and attractive, they provide a good alternative to pencil and paper, as well as accommodating different means of responding, from placing counters on the chart, to using eye gaze to identify the correct response.

Go math photo of calculator, paperclips and a pen

Go Math


Go Math is an engaging and interactive approach to math! Students learn through hands-on math activities how to think critically and apply their math knowledge. The program is linked to the common core standards in math.


Go Math helps teachers to differentiate instruction, building and reinforcing foundational math skills that translate from the classroom to real life.


photo of a pile of books



The Edmark Reading Program has long helped students who need an alternative to phonics. It teaches them to read sight vocabulary words through the use of a carefully sequenced, highly repetitive word recognition method combined with errorless learning. This approach eliminates incorrect responses and helps students view themselves as readers.


photo of a stack of books and a mug

Fountas and Pinnell Leveled Literacy Intervention


Fountas and Pinnell is a leveled reading program that supports the guided reading method where teachers use one to one interventions, read aloud, guided small groups, and independent reading as a tool to elevate students reading skills. Teachers observe students reading behaviors, engage in comprehension conversations, and build understanding.


photo of a television on a white piece of furniture

TV Teacher


TV Teacher is a handwriting program that uses a multi-sensory approach to teach students to write the alphabet. Each 5 minute video demonstrates the writing motion while saying the chant in the frame. Next the letter is written on a whiteboard and then on lined paper. The videos are very engaging for students and also create an opportunity to work independently.


photo of kids drawing with markers on white paper.

First Author


First Author is a Common Core aligned writing curriculum created for students who demonstrate delays in early and pre-requisite writing skills. Students can make gains in writing from scribbling an unidentifiable picture to writing multiple sentences. The program is designed to enhance the writing ability of each student. Students are assessed by the 14-point Developmental Writing Scale, included in the curriculum. 

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The Unique Learning system curriculum is focused on monthly topics using themes based in social studies and science that embed reading and math skills into the content. Picture supports are built into the activities depending on the level of the student’s needs. It contains leveled books with comprehension questions, a word wall, spelling words, counting, surveys, patterning activities, science activities, art projects, games, and cooking activities all focused on the monthly theme. There are 9 themes (September, October, November, January, February, March, April and May) with holiday activities in December and a summer unit for the summer. The picture supports for activities are already made and available in a pdf file for download and printing. There are also worksheets as well as manipulatives that are related to the themes the Word Wall.

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Rethink Ed’s evidence-based, technology-driven solutions are developed by leading experts in Social and Emotional Learning, Behavior Management and Special Education and are designed to:

  • Increase student engagement and motivation

  • Accelerate social and emotional learning

  • Equip all staff and educators with powerful tools

  • Instill a growth mindset in students

  • Encourage positive behavior

  • Achieve teaching excellence

  • Personalize learning support

  • Enhance collaboration among educators and parents

  • Promote learning and development success

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